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Far Cough 10:58 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
claret50, great record:


claret50 10:52 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?

it seems appropriate.

Capitol Man 9:35 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Perfect to round off the last night of the proms or before an international.

Nurse Ratched 9:32 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Oooh, a bit of Prodigy.

Where's me 'ed phones?

Capitol Man 9:30 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Something by The Prodigy.

Everybody in the Place, Firestarter or perhaps Smack my Bitch Up.

Helmut Shown 9:06 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Nimrod - no words

Leonard Hatred 6:30 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?

Texas Iron 6:01 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Good words...suit UK...
Except for refs to Pilgrims and God the King...

Texas Iron 5:58 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
The national anthem for the United Kingdom, God Save The Queen (King), and the patriotic song, America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee), are set to the same melody. In 1745, the British composer, Thomas Arne (1710-1778), arranged what would become the official British national anthem. Samuel Francis Smith (1808-1895) wrote the America text in 1832

Texas Iron 5:55 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Choosing Jerusalem gave the wrong message to the world
Let Trump do that with his relocation of the embassy

bruuuno 3:58 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Some kind of drill rap? Ugetme

mallard 3:55 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Ag @ geoffpikey

Nurse Ratched 3:48 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
The annoying thing about hymns (as a potential national anthem) is that they are always written in a key which requires you (if you're female) to sing soprano. I'm somewhere between contralto and mezzo. If I try to sing soprano, it hurts and I end up having a yawning fit.

Thames Ironworks 3:41 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Europe is our Playground by Suede


PistonHammered 3:40 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Well...as we nicked the national anthem from the Germans and the Germans nicked it from the French I'm guessing it's no big deal changing it to something more appropriate.
God save the Queen? Who gives a shit?

Yeah Jerusalem fits perfectly, it stirs the soul...

Especially with words like............

Among these dark Satanic Mills?

That or I wouldn't be against Bubbles being elevated to National Anthem.

geoffpikey 3:35 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
My Old Man Was A Dustman Until Waste Servicing Customer Fulfillment Got Contracted Out To Dhaka. Lyrics need work.

Fo the Communist 3:32 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Either way, a pseudo-religious crock of shit that may or may not be a parody is still not national anthem material for me.

Now this is as rousing as they come. I defy anyone to seriously suggest otherwise...


eusebiovic 3:25 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
It is rumoured that Blake intended Jerusalem as a tongue in cheek, ironic parody. It was originally a poem.

He lived his life in poverty and made little money from his artwork whilst alive so it's a theory which may well have an element of credibility.

Fo the Communist 3:11 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Jerusalem may be rousing but it is a load of old pseudo-religious nonsense,

Did those feet in ancient time walk upon England's mountains green? Of course they fucking didn't you mad old cunt, Blake.

The Kronic 3:01 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Why can't we make a new one?
Personally, I'd like it to be very dour with lyrics about a man-made mythical being saving some Kraut ponce with no mention of England.

eusebiovic 2:22 Fri Dec 7
Re: What should the new English national anthem be?
Papa's got a brand new pigbag...

Would be ideal at sporting events

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